
JEHANE Ltd - Creative Journal and Blog

Jehane's Golden Thread


Jehane’s Golden Thread

I’m thrilled to share my new weekly Art challenge for 2024. I invite you to create one new sketch, illustration, OR design in response to my weekly creative prompts. Each new piece of work will be linked to and informed by something you like from the piece before.

💛🧵 Creating a golden thread of creative thinking. With time for exploration over the year ahead. Giving you the space to progress the conversation about your personal work. Week on week, one day at a time. Supporting you in thinking about the specific qualities you want to explore in your work.

✨ Each week I invite you to follow your own golden thread.

💛 What will your starting point be? The answer is my first creative prompt! We start on Monday 1st January. You will be part of my artistic community and make new art friends around the world.

Sign up to receive the prompts.

Here’s to all the magic we will weave together with you and my artists in 2024!

Jehane xox

Jehane Boden Spiers