
JEHANE Ltd - Creative Journal and Blog

A Day in the Life of Bex Parkin

Bex Parkin


Bex Parkin is a prolific illustrator, the busier she is the better she works. Recent projects include apparel for Anthropologie and packaging for Pearl Fisher. Bex is currently working on her first fully illustrated children’s picture book for Red Paper Kite.

This week I'm taking a look into Bex’s working process and day-to-day life as a professional artist.


How do you kickstart your day?

“I love getting up super early and often do a run at 6.30am to avoid the summer heat, then it’s yoga and 10 minutes on my headspace app before getting the kids up. Morning rituals are incredibly important for me and my mental health and my favourite part of the day! Then I like to plan my day out with a quiet cup of tea.”


Describe your working environment – what sights & sounds are there?

“I’m lucky that my sunny painting window looks out onto a very pretty town square with flowers and trees. As the days go by I’ve gotten to know all the characters as they do their daily routines. The kids walking to school, the old lady with the yampy dog, the man who likes to sit and eat strawberries in the sun.”


What are the biggest challenges you face on a day to day basis?

“Definitely being too busy and not getting the work/life balance right but I’m my own worst enemy with that! It’s very easy to burnout as a freelancer so things like a morning routine really help. I’m also a workaholic so switching off isn’t easy. After that its being a single mum and being away from my partner who lives in London.”


What radio station/podcast/audiobooks do you listen to while you work?

“I love anything dark and mysterious like true crime podcasts! I also like hearing of successful female business owners so Girlboss Radio is good too.”


What makes you smile throughout the day?

“Other than people-watching out my window I have to say my kids make me laugh a lot – all three have a wicked sense of humour and though two are teenage boys (my daughter is 21) the same things makes us all giggle. Parenting is the hardest job on the planet but also the most rewarding.”


What keeps you motivated throughout the day?

“I am very self motivated partly out of necessity but mostly because I love my job. I am very grateful that I get to create art to earn a living, how lucky am I? Clients and customers are always so lovely to deal with and I find total joy in seeing my ideas come to life.”

How do you wind down at the end of a long day?

“I’m afraid I work! After cooking the evening meal I generally just carry on painting but with Netflix on in the background. I switch off at 9 or 10 and might read for a bit.”


What do you enjoy doing outside of work? What are your hobbies?

“Other than running, I spend weekends with my partner going on big hikes usually on the South Downs or in the Lakes. They’re normally about 25-30k long and we do them most weekends – the snowy ones are always the best. We’re looking to move to the mountains when the kids have all left home, probably in France, so next year will be all about scouting out potential areas over there. Can’t wait to travel again!”

Bex writes: “I have always been creative in one way or another, but it is my career as an illustrator that has been the most rewarding and exciting one! Joining together with Jehane has been the highlight and I’m incredibly excited to be part of her group of talented artists.”

Contact Jehane to explore commissioning Bex Parkin or any of our other internationally acclaimed artists.

Rob Sollom